Regional Database - The database includes the materials connected with Lodz and Lodz Region. The base is developed since 1993 on the grounds of current periodicals, most of all regional. Database contains also descriptions of the books and their fragments relative to Lodz and its region. Its materials are the grounds for Current Regional Bibliography prepared to publishing by the Pilsudski Library as the yearly publications.
Database 'Regional Database' is closed, last update was made at the Fri, 16th May 2003, 20:16:04.
Angielska English version of all databases MAK WBP in Lodz.
Info Opisy baz zostały umieszczone przy wykazie poszczególnych baz: Katalogowe WBP w Łodzi oraz Bibliograficzne WBP w Łodzi. Zobacz także Bazy MAK bibliotek woj. łódzkiego na serwerach WBP w ramach współpracy regionalnej.
 Pomoc przy wyszukiwaniu w Bazach systemu MAK WBP w Łodzi.